The Most Brilliant Military Strategy Ever
I ran across the most brilliant military strategy ever. To understand the new strategy, first take a look at soon to be archaic militaristic strategies that countries are ashamedly still using today. Consider a war fought between party A and party B, where A is making very good progress and accomplishing their goals as party B is making desperation attacks because they are losing. Traditional military philosophy would be for A to push harder and continue to strengthen party C who is now an ally with party A, but who before had supported party B. Because when party C is self-supporting and can defend themselves from party B, then the war ends. Party A is victorious along with party C.
The brilliant militaristic strategy goes like this. Consider the same example war as discussed above. Instead of continuing to strengthen party C, and pushing harder to defeat party B while they have them on their heels, party A should start to withdraw from the war and start decreasing troop levels dramatically until in a short while, all of party A's troops will have been withdrawn from the battle zones. Yes, this seems so stupid at first, but it is really brilliant, I promise. By doing this, party B begins to think that they must be winning because party A is retreating. So party B continues to do what they have been doing until party A is completely gone. Meanwhile, since party C was still too weak to defend themselves when party A left the scene, they will have to surrender to party B. Then, after party B is in control, they think that they completely won. But party A knows that they didn't win and that party B just thinks they did. When party B finally figures out that they actually didn't win, party A was just tricking them psychologically and playing with their emotions, they will be so devastated that they will surely just forfeit. I told you, absolutely brilliant isn't it?
This strategy is so brilliant I am sure you won't be surprised to find out who engendered it. John F. Kerry said (as reported here),It will be hard for this administration, but it is essential to acknowledge that the insurgency will not be defeated unless our troop levels are drawn down...Kerry has brilliantly decided that we should start with 20,000. I don't know how he came up with that number of troops, but I am sure it comes from the same place as his genius intellect. We should just trust him.
See, it is the newest and greatest militaristic strategy ever, and such a new concept to actually bring troop levels down in the most critical stages of the war. For tens of thousands of years humans have not been able to come up with this. I sure am glad I am living in this day and age, when the human mind and human thinking has evolved into unfathomable brilliancy. This strategy will surely play psychological mind games with the opponent. And because of this, surely, emotionally and physically, the enemy must implode.