Tuesday, September 02, 2008

And the cause is... drum roll... the SUN!

According to a story just posted on DailyTech, the Sun has had no sun spots in the month of August! In fact, the scientists mention that sun spot activity has been slowing for the last several years.

This is significant because there have been scientific findings that link sun spot activity to cloud formation. The more sun spots, the less clouds.

Question: What is responsible for keeping the earth habitably cool and keeping humanity from baking to death from the sun and the earth's greenhouse effect?

Answer: Clouds (precipitation systems).

Question: What is, admittedly by scientists, the thing we know least about in terms of its negative feedback (negative feedback is a good thing: think climate stabilization when I say negative feedback) effect on the global mean climate temperature?

Answer: Clouds (precipitation systems).

Question: When did the sun spot activity start increasing relatively recently?

Answer: 1940.

Question: When do Global Warming advocates say the onslaught of the industrial revolution and human CO2 emissions started causing a rise in the Global mean temperature?

Answer: 1940.

Question: What are the two physical phenomenons that are not accounted for in the alarmist's Global Climate models (or at least, not modeled correctly because we don't scientifically know enough)?

Answer: 1) Sun Spot activity. 2) Global cloud cover and precipitation systems.

Question: Why do you place your faith in the religious global warming movement?

My speculatory answer: You think that "the scientists have formed a consensus and global warming skeptics are nut cases" to quote the mainstream media.

I suggest that people should start looking into the science themselves. We (including me) could learn a lot more about the assumptions the Global Warming advocates are not telling us through media channels. Oh, and if you have watched the Former Next President of the United State's movie, then read a book by a credible so called Global Warming skeptic to balance Al Gore's search for his calling in life.

A good book by a credible scientist to start out with: Climate Confusion.


At 4:13 PM, Blogger Stacy Ann said...

Thanks for taking the time to research all of this stuff! Glad to know we're not all a bunch of lemmings plunging into the sea of global warming hysteria. :) Love you!

At 4:54 PM, Blogger Todd said...

Very interesting. Glad you like to research this stuff so the rest of us who are far to busy killing off brain cells with primetime tv can stay informed. Keep up the good work.

At 1:14 AM, Blogger Varun said...

global warming is caused by excessive oil drilling and mainstream media. too much hot air coming out of those two. :P


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